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äda 'web

äda 'web was established in the early spring of 1995 with the goal to provide contemporary artists (visual artists, as well as composers, movie directors, architects, choreographers, etc), a station from which they can engage in a dialogue with users of the internet.

äda has been on the web since February 1995

expore äda's latest dimensions:
replicators, homeport, and the hard way

spring 1997 | page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



San Francisco

Saturday 29 April 19123

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San Francisco

Saturday 29 April 19123

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Does anyone exist here

This website is very interesting and im wondering if anyone

The monastery

Wednesday 7 December 19122

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ada web

Stumbling upon this web site has changed my life. Not sure yet whether for better or for worse. Entering adaweb is something you can never return from.

Joseph Gray
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Monday 4 July 19122

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o.k., I'm brazilian so I don't know write so well as I speak, but I read something in this site, I can't find anymore but was a very good thought,'cause was a thing that I think the same, saying about our lifes and our expectations, so that's it, I wanna be a designer and I like art so I came to this site, and I liked because is different, and I think that we have to be different about everyone, and thanks for the space that you give to everybody, Thiago.

Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

Monday 14 January 19102

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This is what we're looking for ! Attachment

‘C’, European technology image & culture ‘C’ is a new cultural magazine on DVD, supported by the internet. ‘C’ is a unique multimedia project. ‘C’ has been conceived by an international think tank of new media pro’s and is produced and coordinated by a Belgian agency, named Funco. ‘C’ confronts the European youth with new technology and communication in an innovative way. ‘C’ is a long term project with the ability to adapt itself easily to evolving technological standards and market situations. ‘C’ is innovative due to its format, content and distribution system. The ‘C’ magazine format is DVD, quite a difference from the ordinary print magazines. The mixture of a progressive – culturally oriented content, interactivity and internet, provides a revolutionary alternative for the currently existing magazine formats. ‘C’ is distributed for free to students and young adults in over 40 major European cities. We strongly believe that technology and youth culture are important connecting elements for the European union. Youth culture and its countless sub – cultures are well represented in every member state, through well organized networks. Technology and communication tools such as the internet and all of its applications, but also the numerous student exchange programs and cheap travel fares have resulted in an omnipresent pan European youth culture. Throughout the whole union we find a generation with comparable ambitions, and similar tastes for culture and lifestyle regardless of their nationality and proper characteristics. Students and young adults have a dynamic, playful way of life, they have a wide knowledge and are open minded towards change, they are constantly on the lookout for technical innovations, and welcome original cultural impulses. ‘C’ is an answer to the demands of the European youth, a cultural oriented lifestyle guide, distributed for free on an innovative technological format and with a powerful online support. Basic concept ‘C’ is a culture oriented lifestyle magazine, it is not printed on paper, ‘C’ is issued on DVD, with on line support. ‘C’ will issue six editions per year, it is a bimonthly magazine. A complete viewing of ‘C’ takes two hours, but it does not have to be watched in one go. In the same way as you pick an article in a magazine, you can switch from one issue to another. Content ‘C’ covers a wide spectrum of topics and subjects, exactly as one can find as well in a high quality lifestyle print magazine. This content will be grouped in sections, such as fashion, technology, travel, art… and consists mainly of independent short film, animation and digital image. ‘C’s unique content propositions are: • the overall artistic – cultural approach of the topics. The topics are not being made by tv makers or journalists, but by young artistic Europeans who share their personal perception on the topic with the viewers (without having to justify for viewers numbers, company policies,…). It’s a sincere and honest reflection of our society in all its facets, as seen by young European artists. • the interaction with the audience, ‘C’ offers a platform for their creations, short films, animations. The production process for ‘moving images’, digital camera’s, computers and editing equipment are constantly cheapening, resulting in a massive production of short films, animations, and digital moving image. Most of these ‘short films’ hardly ever find an audience, except for a screening in a connoisseur circuit or via one of the scarce tv programs dedicated to alternative ‘short film’. ‘C’ wants to provide a platform for those, often amazing productions, and expose them to a larger audience. To reach this goal ‘C’ has made agreements with a number of European organizations and companies that distribute and produce visionary independent productions. An important number of Europe’s leading film and art schools are eager to participate in this project, in order to enable their students to show the result of their labor on this truly European platform. Our editorial staff’s main task will be the selection of the existing productions, combining them with a small part of specifically produced material, and dosing and balancing the whole into an exciting visual adventure. Technology ‘C’ both uses and promotes the technological advantages offered by Digital Versatile Disk and broadband internet connections. With this project we really help the European youth in experiencing the added value of these ‘new’ standards, when compared to vhs and narrowband. The user friendliness, the speed, the overall superior quality of both media, are clearly demonstrated through ‘C’. The participating artists, academies and content providing organizations, will find out through this project that dvd is an ideal standard for the distribution of their work. Now that recordable and rewritable dvd formats (Philips, I-Mac) are being marketed, it is of high importance to stimulate the public in their awareness of the numerous advantages and possibilities of this standard. This is exactly what ‘C’ will do. Dvd is in fact an extremely qualitative and user friendly digital archiving system, we are convinced that it will become the future’s version of the ‘family photo’ album with multi media possibilities, all that one wants to record can now for the first time be captured on one support. ‘C’ demonstrates and popularizes these principles and makes use of the aura of the cultural world to do so. ‘Integrated media’, internet access via your tv set - interacting with tv programs, and video on demand, will trigger undoubtedly the most important media revolution of the near future. The ‘C’ concept permits its audience to taste the advanced possibilities of tv – internet integration. Distribution ‘C’ is distributed for FREE throughout the whole European Union, each member state, each major urban center, will have a number of distribution points. This network of academies, cultural centers and musea but also restaurants, galleries and shops, enables everyone to pick up their FREE copy of ‘C’. 10% of ‘C’s circulation will be allocated for distribution at relevant events, and will be executed by local sampling teams. An alternative distribution will happen via direct mailing to the subscribers, only the mailing cost itself will be charged, so that the magazine itself remains free - also for them who whish to receive it by post. Circulation ‘C’ starts in its first year with a circulation of 100.000 copies, and will grow in its second and third year towards a circulation of 200.000 copies. Research has shown that a single copy of ‘C’ will be viewed by 2 to 4 persons. Mission ‘C’ promotes the advantages of new technologies, and the necessity to adapt itself to the evolving media landscape. ‘C’ creates an international platform for European audiovisual talent, also the exchange between the cultural talents and the needs of the commercial circuit is stimulated. ‘C’ will build an awareness of European unity, both with its participants and viewers, this is a truly European project. They will see, through ‘C’s images what their fellow Europeans are creating, what their dreams and ambitions are. Corporate partners: Corporate partners will take on a small part of the program – through culture sponsoring or art patronage. When these partners are well selected, they will not harm the projects integrity. Funding ‘C’ is a great and innovative concept, with ambitious but realistic goals, a truly unique product within the current media market. ‘C’ is made possible with the principal support of the European Union. >

Martine Schnaekers

Thursday 4 October 19101

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This is what we're looking for !

Hello , This mail is to introduce ourselves: The name is Funco and we want to present the free art magazine 'C' on DVD to àda'web. We also see àda'web as a top supplier of content by presenting talent, being artistic and creative in an audiovisual way. As compensation, In-movies and the presented short films or images will be distributed and advertised for free to students and young adults in over 40 major European cities of the European Community through the network of academies, cultural centers and musea but also restaurants, galleries and shops. Issued bimonthly, 'C' covers art in all forms, film, technology, fashion, travel and is made possible by the support of the European Union. We'll try to enclose, the complete vision behind 'C' for you to check. We’re looking forward to hear your opinion. We’ll contact you to see if there’s place for 'C' within In-movies or, you're of course, welcome to send us an e-mail. Best regards, Martine Schnaekers Funco Blekerijstraat 75 9000 Gent België Tel +32 9 2252379 Fax. +32 9 2252360

Martine Schnaekers

Thursday 4 October 19101

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so lo-tech it's high

you heard me!

Burlington, VT 05401

Tuesday 6 February 19101

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a picture of the "geworfenheit" of the human being

ginger mai
Wilhelmsburg, Austria

Tuesday 2 January 19101

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tell memory

I will run I find myself a way to be friends with everyone but first I have to accept that everyone is assuming their best behavior before I jump or fall or start in the middle of a day at which point will I say that I have done anything for anyone always making an issue out of nothing the chemistry of reason that's all I can remember that's all I can say

la ca usa

Saturday 25 November 19100

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link us please!!!

Milano 5-7-2000 To whom it may concern. Would it be possible that you create a link from your website to ours, parole, which is gruppo A12 + Udo Noll participation to the Venice Biennale of Architecture? The project is called parole! a dynamic lexicon on the contemporary city and the website address is Thank you very much Sincerely yours gruppo A12 + Udo Noll

gruppo A12
genova italia

Wednesday 5 July 19100

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if it was real, why would i be here?

Wednesday 5 July 19100

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