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LOVE was created by Group Z, Belgium

Group Z, Belgium is a group of artists who have chosen the web as their only artistic medium.

Michäel Samyn is their web designer.

LOVE is their third web work. It has been on adaweb since January 1996.

LOVE is about love. Sex is easy.
LOVE is research. Love is plural.
Romantic, melancholic, exciting, frightening, silly. Sad, funny, nice, exhilarating, beautiful.
There should be a sequel.

Spring 1996 | page

check this out

Wednesday 26 June 1996

write - ä - read - love

There's a bittersweet and lonely song they used to sing in Babylon of how the pilgrim is a vagabond, a runaway from love, because the world is cold and cruel and every lover is a fool because there is no golden rule and no forgiveness from above.

I take myself WAY too seriously.

Darryl Erentzen

Wednesday 26 June 1996

write - ä - read - love

it sucks !!!

i'm amaze that you guys are proud of your ignorance and arrogance. how does one choose a form of "colonism" and cultural sabotage as their "only artistic medium" it's one thing to use the very medium to question its social and polical impact, but it's another to use it to use it confirm what you guys lack, "artistic intention"

hai nguyen
any ghetto, usa

Tuesday 16 April 1996

write - ä - read - love

it sucks !!!

i'm amaze that you guys are proud of your ignorance and arrogance. how does one choose a form of "colonism" and cultural sabotage as their "only artistic medium" it's one thing to use the very medium to question its social and polical impact, but it's another to use it to use it confirm what you guys lack, "artistic intention"

hai nguyen
any ghetto, usa

Tuesday 16 April 1996

write - ä - read - love

my damn cool poem, my first amendment taken away. they edited. what's up with the address begging below.

like i'm going to give it to you
too easy.

Tuesday 16 April 1996

write - ä - read - love


LOVE is niet bedoeld als diskussie maar is het resultaat van een onderzoek. Een -hoogstwaarschijnlijk ijdele- poging om op een (pseudo) objectieve manier het fenonmeen liefde te bekijken. LOVE neemt geen standpunt in. Het biedt feiten aan.

MichaÎl Samyn
Ronse, Belgie

Wednesday 10 April 1996

write - ä - read - love

writing with indelible memory

i love your website, you inspire me. thank you.


Tuesday 9 April 1996

write - ä - read - love

Look, this is the last thing people want to discuss on the web. And if you've come to ada'web looking for love, or just the opportunity to talk about it, then your time might be better spent in a bus station late at night. I know mine would. Then again, I DID click on the icon. . . .

G. Matthews
Bloomington, Ind. by way of Walla Walla, Wash. USA

Tuesday 9 April 1996

write - ä - read - love


amazing piece of work, de sade would be proud

Thursday 4 April 1996

write - ä - read - love


Neukt een meisje enkel vlak nadat een andere man haar waar hij bij was gedefloreerd heeft. Wil dat haar kut helemaal nat is van het sperma van zijn voorganger.


Tuesday 19 March 1996

write - ä - read - love

love ist lecker

ich lächele einfach... ich liebe leute, die blumen lieben...

terri dewhirst
nyc,ny usa

Friday 15 March 1996

write - ä - read - love