project influx context ä ? < nota > usage exchange

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securityland reflects on the omnipresence of surveillance and its potential effects on the social construct of public space. it investigates the conflicting desires of control and freedom.

"remember, when entering securityland, when under seamless control, be on alert!'

securityland has been on the web since February 1995

please explore one house now.

spring 1997 | page



San Francisco

Saturday 29 April 19123

write - ä - read - secure

oh yes, the future is ours, not yours

ca you see me? you are watching me now, i know you can see me, i know you know i hate everything about you, i know you know i am planning your destruction, and i don't care

Wednesday 5 July 19100

write - ä - read - secure

you are the server...

are you watching and waiting for me now ?

i am the user

Monday 9 November 1998

write - ä - read - secure




Wednesday 4 December 1996

write - ä - read - secure

This isn't a comment on the work

I was wondering whether Tanya Bonakdar went to Canterbury Girls' High School (Australia) because I know her and her very talented Canadian friend Nancy loved art and would have loved to open an art gallery. Is it you?

Melbourne Australia

Wednesday 20 November 1996

write - ä - read - secure




Wednesday 18 September 1996

write - ä - read - securityland

see you

Berlin Berlin

Wednesday 4 September 1996

write - ä - read - securityland

Surveillance and intelligence are also subject to surplus value....

As with all other commodities, these will be more and more desperately marketed.... TRULY useless information that no-one needs and everyone wants - of course, the ones who feel they do need it aren't putting it up for sale. Oh, and by the way, this is a great project.

Jon Newman
Los Angeles

Friday 19 July 1996

write - ä - read - securityland

Big, beautiful buildings are few and far between.

Felicitations! C'est fabu!

Dan McInnis
ithaca, ny 14850

Friday 21 June 1996

write - ä - read - securityland

..let me see I have something here...

in the current political climate of widespread alienation and confusion distinctions between the trivial and the important are lost

Julia Scher

Saturday 16 March 1996

write - ä - read - securityland

zurückgezogenheit gibt's nicht mehr

um zurückgezogenheit zu erhalten, muþ man jetzt t”uschen? und dann bleibt der ausdruck, wer einen anderen täuscht, darf selber getäuscht werden.....

terri dewhirst
nyc,ny usa

Friday 15 March 1996

write - ä - read - ype="text/javascript"> var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-624638-1"); pageTracker._setDomainName(""); pageTracker._initData(); pageTracker._trackPageview();