Printed Matter

Printed Matter is a non-profit distributer and retailer of artsts' publications. Its inventory includes artists' books, periodicals, computer disks, audio cassettes, compact disks, records, VHS videotapes, artists' multiples, and other forms that defy categorization.

At the Manhattan bookstore, many visit simply to keep up with the field. For them, the store functions as a gallery and information resource.

Printed Matter also has an extensive mail order business, serving individuals, collectors, curators, libraries, museums, and bookstores all over the world. The catalgue can be ordered directly from Printed Matter.

Emphasising large or open editions of relatively inexpensive works, rather than unique objects or fine craft production, Printed Matter encourages a broad circulation of work by contemporary artists and, correspondingly, allows almost anyone to be become a collector.

From April 12 - May 11, 1996, Engaging Infrastructure appeared at Printed Matter in conjunction with the exhibition, "The Materialization of Life." A computer station offered visitors to Printed Matter access to the online archive and discussion forum. Wednesday evening, May 1st, a rountable discussion included Engaging Infrastructure participants Andrea Fraser, Ben Kinmont, John Simon, and Martha Wilson, moderated by laura trippi.

77 Wooster Street Tuesday through Friday, 10 am - 6 pm 212/925-0325 (phone)
New York, New York 10012 Saturday 11-7 pm 212/925-0464 (fax)